Saturday, August 4, 2007

Circle of Friends Scrapbook Retreat

I am very excited about this upcoming retreat. If you haven't heard about the retreat yet, please check out my website. This is an exclusive weekend just for 20 attendees. So gather your friends and come on over for some great food, amazing prizes/giveaways, and terrific company!

Taking the Scenic Route

Lately, it seems I find myself always on the run. Whether it is to a child's activity or another commitment I have made for myself, time is flying by me without my hands on the handlebars. In order to gain control I try to reflect on my childhood and compare it to my kids. Needless to say, I remember endless days alone and playing with my Barbie dolls or riding my bike with my imaginary friends. My kids, on the other hand, are rock climbing, tennis lessons, swimming lessons, baseball, scouting and more. It is so hard to find time for myself when all the time I have I give to my family. How do other women do it? How do they take time to go shopping, go out to lunch or splurge on manicures and pedicures? When I get a sitter to do these things I feel so guilty. Spending money to spend money. So I have decided to take the scenic route to life. Enjoy the moments as they come and cherish my children when they are with me. As far as the little extras, I will get to those too....just not right away.

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